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Customer Service

In-Store Delivery

Buy the product you like comfortably from Beymenclub.com, catch the fashion right away.

  • If you wish, we will deliver your order to the Beymen store of your choice, if you wish, to another address specified by you.
  • You can change and modify your order at the Beymen Club store closest to the place where you pick up your order.
  • For your online purchases, you can enter Beymen stores as your delivery address on the Checkout page or your desired delivery address, the choice is yours.
How does the “I want to pick up from the store” system work?

When you click “Beymen Stores” as the delivery address on the purchase page, you can select the desired store from the “Stores” options that appear.

Which stores can I pick up my product from?

Here is the list of our stores where you can pick up your order:
Beymen Erenköy, Beymen Kavaklidere, Beymen Nisantaşı, Beymen İstinyepark, Beymen Panora, Beymen Aqua Florya, Beymen Zorlu Center, Beymen Akasya, Beymen Capacity
For store addresses pleaseclick.

Where can I pick up my product when I go to the store?

You can pick up your product at our store main entrance checkout.

Can I receive my order by referring someone else to the store?

Yes, you can take it, but he has to show the truth of your identity.

How long do I have to go and pick up my order?

The products you have ordered are kept in our stores for 30 days, after which they are sent back to the warehouse.

What can I do if my order was sent to the store incorrectly?

As soon as an error is detected by looking at your invoice, you can change the size or product, and you can get a Return Goods Voucher. The product must be returned to our warehouse for a refund or credit card return.

Refunds are not available in our stores.

When will my product go to the store?

Order delivery time will be delivered to our store within 7 working days after receiving your order.

Can I have the product I received from your store refurbished from your store?

We deliver your products from our Beymen stores. You can have your renovations done at our nearest Beymen Club store.

How can I check if my order has been delivered to the store?

You can check the status of your orders under Membership/My Membership Information/Orders. You can find out the delivery status of your orders that you consider “completed” at 444 47 00 Beymen Customer Service line or in our respective store. Your products will be delivered to our Akdeniz store the day after delivery to our Kavaklıdere store and +1 day after delivery to our Kavaklıdere store.

What should I do to forward my order to your store?

After completing your purchase, at the checkout stage, it will be enough to select your delivery address as one of our stores where you want to receive your product.

Can I make a return/exchange as of the moment I receive the product?

We deliver your products from our Beymen stores. You can order your return and exchange at our nearest Beymen Club store.

Can I pick up my products from Beymen Club stores?

Yes, you can pick up your products from the specified Beymen Club stores.
