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The party with whom you will enter into agreement to sign up with www.beymenclub.com (the "Website") online or on our application you have downloaded on your mobile device is Beymen Perakende Ve Tekstil Yatırımları A.Ş. ("Oour Company").

Our contact information is as follows:

Address: Ayazağa Mah. Azerbaycan Cad. 3A Blok No: 3/O İç Kapı No: 3 Sarıyer / İstanbul

Telephone:(0212) 444 4 700 (Customer Service) - 0212 335 65 00

Fax:+90 212 335 65 99


Web Address:www.beymenclub.com

(Mersis No: 0-0660-0089-7500012). Our company is a member of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO). Please visit www.ito.org.tr or call 444 0 486 for information on ITO’s professional code of conduct

Our contact information is as follows:

Address:Ayazağa Mah. Azerbaycan Cad. 3A Blok No: 3/O İç Kapı No: 3 Sarıyer / İstanbul

Telephone:(0212) 444 4 700 (Customer Service) - 0212 335 65 00

Fax:+90 212 335 65 99


Web Address:www.beymenclub.com

(Mersis No: 0-0660-0089-7500012). Our company is a member of the Istanbul Chamber of Commerce (ITO). Please visit www.ito.org.tr or call 444 0 486 for information on ITO’s professional code of conduct

To establish this membership agreement, simply enter the required Member(ship) Information and a password you choose, give the specified approvals and/or consents and click on [Complete Membership] button etc. Please do enter your name, electronic mail address/mobile phone and other required information correctly, completely and accurately, and if you notice an error, please correct it. If you notice any missing/inaccurate information after you have completed the sign-up process, you can correct it in my account section via Member Login or contact our Customer Service at 444 4 700.

When you have completed your sign-up process, we will send this Membership Information - Agreement (as form-text) to the email address you have provided in the Membership Information. It is also available as a form on our Website. An Agreement text “”exclusive”” to a member (i.e. containing information of a specific member) may not be stored separately in our company systems.

You can terminate your membership at any time by oral or written notification to our Company through the communication channels mentioned above, without justification and without penalty, and Our Company may also terminate/suspend memberships for various reasons.

The following various current principles of the Privacy Rules-Policy and Terms of Use shall apply to the privacy, protection, storage, processing-use and destruction of member-customer information at Our Company and on our Website, as well as commercial electronic communications and other matters.

  • Our Company or the relevant organization has taken the necessary measures for the security of the information provided by the members and their transactions in their systems and Internet infrastructure based on the nature of the information and transaction. All credit card transactions and approvals are carried out online between you and the relevant Bank and similar Card Institutions independently of our Company while you are using our Website (information such as credit card ""PIN"" is not seen and stored by our Company).
  • The information entered on our Website for membership, purchase of products/services and information update, as well as sensitive confidential information related to credit and debit cards cannot be viewed by other Internet users.
  • The information of our members may be disclosed to the relevant organizations pursuant to our obligations under legal regulations.
  • Our members may stop receiving commercial electronic communications at any time and without justification by contacting our Company through the relevant communication channels provided (above-below) or by completing the rejection process specified in our messages or by using the system established by competent authorities, if any. Accordingly, communications to members will be ceased for the channels they expressly specify within the maximum legal period (transactions and communications that are allowed-required by laws shall continue).
  • Our members may remove the “”cookies” and/or stop receiving notifications at any time from the operating system and/or internet browser settings of their computers and mobile devices.
  • If you change any of your information (including contact information) using the information update procedure on our Website, the consent you have given for your personal data and electronic commercial communication shall also apply to the changed/new information. If a member that has changed their communication preferences to stop receiving commercial electronic communication for a communication channel-address or complete the rejection process in our messages makes a transaction on their membership page to request communications, that member shall continue to receive communications from the channel without a separate consent/approval and without regard to their previous rejection notice, if any, pursuant to the approval they have provided here or otherwise, until they change their communication preference again on their membership page on our website or duly send a rejection notice for any commercial communication.

A Member who has approved this Agreement by entering the requested information in the Membership Information on our Website represents and acknowledges that they have seen-reviewed the information provided on our Website (or mobile application) and/or at our stores regarding personal data transactions and membership-customer services, and

  • they have read and understood all the information and conditions written in these informational announcements-the Agreement, shall comply with all their obligations in a full and timely manner, and undertake the relevant rights and responsibilities.
  • Other websites accessed from our Website have their own privacy-security policies and terms of use; our Company shall not be responsible for any notification received from websites accessed to see an advertisement, content or for any other purpose, and for the use of information from mobile applications, as well as any dispute, material and moral damage and loss that may arise out of the ethical principles, privacy-security principles, personal data storage and destruction policies, service quality, terms of use and other practices of such websites.
  • All intellectual-industrial rights and property rights in any information and content related to our Website, and their arrangement, revision and partial/complete use belong to our Company, except for those owned by other third parties pursuant to an agreement with our Company.
  • Members are responsible for their decisions based on the information they obtain from our Website or other websites / mobile applications / notifications linked to our Website, and based on any information, promotion, advertisement and recommendation electronically communicated to them, as well as for any actions they take accordingly and their consequences.
  • If members purchase a product/service as a result of any information they obtain by any way described above and/or as a result of communications, information, notifications, promotions and advertisements provided to them, their purchase transaction shall be separately and legally subject to the consumer agreement they conclude with the relevant seller/provider. The consumer agreement shall be applied on its terms and between its respective parties. Each time you shop from our Website, the order preliminary information form-distance sales contract that you will see during each transaction shall also apply.

Our Company reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the above and to the products, services and opportunities it will offer to its members; these changes shall be effective from when they are announced by our Company on the Website/mobile application or by other appropriate methods; all campaigns shall be subject to the announced terms.

Please consult our Company for any additional information on all of the above.

Our members can report their requests and complaints to our Company through the following communication channels:

Address:Ayazağa Mah. Azerbaycan Cad. 3A Blok No: 3/O İç Kapı No: 3 Sarıyer / İstanbul

Telephone:(0212) 444 4 700 (Customer Service) - 0212 335 65 00

Fax:+90 212 335 65 99


Web Address:www.beymenclub.com

(Mersis No:0-0660-0089-7500012).

We will be happy to handle all kinds of legitimate claims-complaints and applications of our members. If that is not possible, you may apply to the Provincial and District Arbitral Tribunals and Consumer Courts in your area subject to the legal monetary limits.

Cookie Policy

As Beymen, we use various types of cookies in the Mobile application and on the Website in order to perform statistical work regarding the Mobile Application and Website usage, to make targeted advertisements/promotions and to ensure that you have an effective customer experience. These are session cookies, persistent cookies, mandatory cookies, functionality cookies, analysis cookies, commercial cookies and third-party cookies.

Cookies are small pieces of data that are placed on computers and mobile devices to ensure the proper functioning and development of the visited website, to personalize and improve the user experience, to be able to visit the websites without logging in and/or to send commercial-social notifications to you (which may be viewed even if the internet browser and/or related mobile application is closed) and, in general, to send general or customized notifications to the website users and visitors, on both the relevant website or the websites of others (including social media-networks and online advertising networks). In addition, we share the traffic data we obtain through cookies with our third-party business partners and digital marketing companies at home and abroad for digital marketing purposes. Cookies are kept on computers-devices for a period of time appropriate for the intended purpose provided that the maximum legal period is not exceeded, if any.

Visitors who use our Website (including mobile versions) are considered to have agreed to the practice described above as well as the processing (including transferring to-sharing with third parties and use) of cookies for purposes and within the scope-on the terms provided here, in the personal data regulations and other parts of this information text.

Visitors can edit and/or remove cookies from the settings of the program and/or operating system and/or web browser on their devices at any time, and/or stop receiving such notifications (Please note that in such case our Website/related device/program may not function as intended and/or the contents of the notification will not be available).
